
日期: 2023-04-23 13:02:17|浏览: 368|编号: 35088


本文内容列表: 商州诗



不知人与物静,不觉鸟鸣。 ——唐望博《春村》译:幽静的山林里,路边有兰叶满园的小径,城外有桃李满园,却没有人间的宁静,听不到鸟鸣声。

江汉深无边,梁民高不可攀。 山川云雾中,游子几时归来?

——唐望博《普安建阴题壁》译:长江汉水深不见底,梁山岷山高不可攀。 每天生活在这高山深水之中,何时才能回到故乡? 山水相近,晴天景色新。 方滘遍地花柳,不宜春。

——译唐​​望博《灯城春望》: 置身户外,可以亲近山水,初日的阳光和云彩,更加清新可爱。 美丽的城郊,鲜花盛开,红柳绿意盎然。 哪里没有怡人的春色? 野烟含细竹,山月照秋林。

中途也会散开,来到步兵琴前。 ——译唐​​望博《夜星》: 夜晚,茫茫田野的烟雾笼罩着小岛。

山顶明月照秋林。 和嵇康一样,带着酒和琴上路寻知己。

江送巴南水,山过北云。 金亭秋月夜,谁见泣离群。

——译唐​​望博《江亭夜月别诗二首》: 长江送远巴南流水,北国群山横亘,如嵌云中。 秋日月夜,渡口亭中,谁见离别时泪流满面? 河宽春潮白,山长绿。

别国临极,花柳映亭。 ——译唐​​望博《早春野景》:江水极空,春潮盖白浪,一浪高过一浪。

山峰挺拔,晨光中,满山绿意。 独自一人在异乡远眺,只见江边亭台红花绿树,春意盎然。


商洛有青山,商洛有绿水。 青山蕴含韵味,绿水泛碧波。 “我有生意


水之美。 是的! 走进商洛,随处可见奇山秀峰,随处可见长长的清泉。








贾平凹,著名作家、全国政协委员、鲁迅文学奖获得者,1952年农历二月生于丹凤县迪化镇。商洛六县一区以“商”字命名,如“商洛山”、“商山”、“商州”、“商南”、“商镇”等。 州”而不是“商洛”。

贾平凹的很多商州作品,其实都是广义的“商州”。 贾平凹与商州乡亲 贾平凹与商州乡亲情深。

笔者曾多次采访过平洼的弟弟载洼(现居家乡丹凤县,中学教师)和**红霞(现调往西安)。 他们长得跟平娃很像,但比平娃高。

他们告诉笔者:这几年,平凹每年都会回来看他们几次。 一般是家里有大事政府请你回来,或者你下乡体验生活。

他们也时不时去平凹。 政府人员到西安出差,总会问他们有没有什么消息或东西要带。

平凹还经常通过他们给家里寄信、寄钱、寄东西。 近年来,有了电话,联系变得更加方便。

平凹的妻子透露:这几年,平凹经常回老家过年,长辈、兄弟、姐妹、侄子、官府官员经常围在他身边,请他题字、写对联、对联、讲故事。 ,以怨代怨,无所不用其极。 这些年,平凹因为太忙,很少回去了。

然而,他却带着年近七十的老母亲住在西安老家,为儿子尽孝。 1993年8月,笔者去采访了平洼先生。

此时,恰逢平凹的《废京城》出版,商州已经开始出版了。 据笔者在书店调查,仅一天时间,《废城》就卖出了七十多册,一本十几元,真是难得一见的轰动。

今年5月,平凹的新小说《秦腔》上线。 在他的家乡商州,《秦腔》38元一部。 一家书店一天就卖了一百多本。 Ao和他的作品大爱。 贾平凹与商州文化艺术界 贾平凹在商州文化艺术界有大批朋友。

原商州市美术家协会副主席、艺源实业公司经理毛龙丹从事根雕艺术。 他在平欧工作了 20 多年。 平凹在给龙旦的书法作品中写道:“木于地为根,掘地为艺。

其雕有慧眼; 龙丸雕根,谁雕龙丸? ”作品下方题词写道:“非常喜欢关龙丹根雕这件艺术品。 深有感触,恭喜山野之人,能有才,有功。”“最后,在平凹字画作品上,盖上了一块常用的“上山平凹”印章。

原商洛师范学院美术系王嘉民(现西安工学院教授)是平凹的好朋友、乡党员、初中同学。 他在西安艺术学院读书时,与平凹接触频繁。

此人满腔热血,人间八卦,天上神鬼,他无所不知。 平凹和他的前妻韩君芳女士的第一次见面就是他。

曾有亲人到平安,平安唱秦腔:“游魏王坐长安地,愿风调雨顺,国泰民安。安全的!” 家属们捂着耳朵喊道:“宁可看狗咬仗,也不听平敖戏唱!” 于是岳平凹去找在文艺剧院读书的乡党员韩俊芳女士,说她的歌是地道的。 贾平凹和韩俊芳这对“才子夫妻”的结合(虽然后来因为种种原因同居十几年就离婚了),家庭成员着实功不可没。

艺大招待所里,平凹谈狼,家人谈鬼,谈到深夜。 也正是在这个时候,聪明的平凹利用算命的机会,成功得知了俊芳的生日和年龄。

平凹的艺术版图和根基在商州。 尽管全国许多学者、作家、评论家,如邹荻帆、胡才、萧蕴儒、王宇、王中生、费炳勋、孙建熙、李兴等,都撰写了大量评论文章评价贾平凹的作品,有的还出过专着,但商州毕竟有得天独厚的条件聘请贾平凹。

在《鬼贾平凹》和《贾平凹前传》的作者、著名作家、评论家孙建熙的倡导下,平凹故里唯一的高等学府——商洛师专成立了贾平凹和商洛文化研究所(前身为商洛师范专科学校贾平凹研究组),学校抽出资金,大量购置了贾平凹的著作和有关平凹的书籍。 1999年起,商洛师范学院中文系汉语言文学专业还开设了“贾平凹与商洛作家研究”选修课。

今年,贾平凹的家乡丹凤县也将投资10万元建设“贾平凹文艺园”。 再现丹江文化、神话传说等。拟在园内建设贾平凹文学馆、创作馆等商业建筑; 还定期举办文学主题论坛和文学训练营。


贾平凹一直非常支持这个项目,从最初的规划会到后来的评审会,他都参与其中,还在会上发表了讲话,积极支持家乡建设。 此外,商州区文化馆、图书馆等单位还成立了“贾平凹图书馆”和“贾平凹文学创作基金会”。

商州平凹研究初见成效。 作家、评论家孙建喜(商州人,现居西安)出版有《贾平凹之谜》、《鬼贾平凹》、《贾平凹前传》等,并主持“贾平凹之友”网站。 作家何丹萌(商州郭三科,商洛师范学院教授,​​着有《浅议贾平凹动词磨练》、《贾平凹的幽默》、《听贾平凹谈语言艺术》,作家田冲(商州人) ),现居西安),《商州人谈贾平凹》、《贾平凹商州人的心事》等文章在全国报刊发表,引起很大反响。



1、草枯鹰眼急,雪去马蹄轻。 (王维:《观猎》)

2. 想要赶走轻骑,弓剑都会被大雪覆盖。 (卢伦:《下一曲》)

3、知不是雪,因有暗香。 (王安石:《梅花》)

4.孤舟孤帽,独钓寒江雪。 (柳宗元:《江雪》)

5.柴门闻犬吠,雪夜归家。 (刘长青:《卧雪芙蓉山主》)

6.青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关。 (王昌龄:《军中七歌之四》)

7、要渡过被冰封的黄河,就要翻越白雪皑皑的太行山。 (李白:《行路难》)

8、千里黄云白日,北风吹雁雪。 (高适:《别董大》)

9、窗含西岭千年雪,门泊东吴万里舟。 (杜甫:《绝句》)

10、北风吹地白草碎,八月湖天雪。 (岑神:(白雪歌送吴判官回京))

5. 欢乐诗

1.山光悦鸟性,谭应空心。 一切声音都静了下来,唯有于仲清的声音。 《梯坡山寺后禅院》长剑 2.生死博大,子欢喜。 牵着孩子的手,和孩子一起变老。 《诗经》3、山有木有树有枝,心乐于王。 你不知道。 鸟语花香,草木春色。 《献张祥浩诗二首》李白 6.我来属芳节,出榻自乐。 宠物怎么可能是专属的。 《平卢将军夫人》李白 8、吾月子美,子倾吾文章。 《送别的情人》李白 9、谁知林中人,闻风后坐享。 《万有引力》张九龄 10,世新云雨记,幽月草木生。 《法华寺石门精舍三十韵》柳宗元11,淡泊淡泊,开悟快乐,自在自足。 坐而忘,转忧为禅乐。 《送兄弟回雪夜》 白居易 13、随心所欲,顺天意而生。 ,张澈之败位》白居易 15. 妖艳与人争锋,饮茶斗酒为乐。 《情诗·二十四首》仓央嘉措 16.我对君王妩媚,君王也悦我面子。《情诗》梵琴 17.双钟堂秋月,轻风入宫和弦,此为一乐。《寄容州祖元太子,此君轩》黄庭坚十八,苦竹绕荷池,鱼鸟悦性。云留与赏,风与圣爱《观台常奏新曲》孔德绍20,种药为生,弹琴悦魂。和来来”陶渊明 22.炒面喜在月,我要鞭打斗笠,庆农节。 倚瑶琴或歌,续寻风瑞雪。 《风和生知瑞雪篇》张九龄。

6. 含有科学哲理的诗歌


熏柳画桥,风帘翠帘,千家万户不一。 云木绕堤沙,怒涛滚霜雪,天无际。

明珠上市,户户洛奇,竞相奢侈。 崇湖叠青嘉,三秋桂花十里荷。

羌笛吹晴空,荸荠夜鸣,莲洼老人嬉戏。 千七牙高,醉听小鼓,赏烟霞。

日后回凤池,颂扬好时光。 一句哲理的诗句:横看,似岭边成峰,远近高低不一。 》:沉舟旁千帆过,病树前万木春。

6、杜甫《望山》:你会在山顶,小山尽收眼底。 7、苏轼《惠冲《春江夜景》》:竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭的先知。

8、王安石《待飞上峰》:不怕浮云遮目,只因身处最高境界。 9、朱熹《春日》:悠然知东风边,紫红遍地,终是春。 10、刘禹锡《黑衣巷》:旧时王谢堂前的燕子飞入寻常百姓家。

11、王琬《刺北谷山下》:海日升夜宿,江春入旧岁。 12、白居易《别古草原》:野火不灭,春风吹又生。

乡下“归园居田”诗五首·陶渊明,其中一首俗无适韵,生性好山。 误入尘网,距今已有三十年。

鸟爱旧林,池鱼思旧渊。 开荒南荒,守卑归园。

方屋十余亩,茅草屋八九间。 榆柳荫后檐,桃李堂前。

远山暖暖,依依墟炊烟。 狗叫深巷,鸡啼桑树顶。

屋院无尘杂,空室有闲。 长期关在笼子里,可以回归自然。 二是野外人烟稀少,穷巷里的鞅很少。

白天盖京飞,想着酒。 其时,墟中曲人覆草,来来去去。

相见无杂语,路漫漫其修远兮。 桑麻之日长,我土之日广。

常畏霜雨,散如草。 三豆在南山脚下,草丛中长满了豆苗。

辰星治理荒芜,带着月莲归来。 路窄草木长,晚露染衣裳。

衣裳染污不可惜,愿不违。 长期以来,他上山下湖,在野林中享受野趣。

试着带上你的侄儿侄儿在废墟中漫步。 游走在山峦之间,活在过去。

有井炉残迹、桑竹残迹。 若问诸薪官,皆如此。

工薪族告诉我,没有比死亡更多的了。 我放弃了早市,这个说法是对的。

生命仿佛是一场幻觉,终究会归于虚无。 其五愁苦恨独还,酸甜苦辣历历在目。

山涧清浅,相逢洗脚。 啜我新熟酒,双鸡临局。

太阳入室,天黑了,景心代替了明烛。 唤来苦夕短,已回天墟。

军用凉州词(唐)汪涵酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶,即刻劝。 君莫笑醉卧沙场,古往今来多少人征战过。

古时参军的李奇,白天登山看烽火,黄昏饮马渡江。 行人斗风沙,公主琵琶满怨。

万里无营城,雨雪绵延大漠。 呼延夜夜啼飞,呼儿泪流满面。

闻玉门尚盖,当逐命去。 岁年战骨葬荒外,空见葡萄入韩家。

王长龄从军中行军,青海、长云、黑雪山,孤城远望玉门关。 黄沙百战披金甲,不破楼兰一去不返。

关山月李白明月走出天山山脉,茫茫云海之间。 风吹玉门关万里。

韩下百登路,胡窥青海湾。 原因是土地被征服了,没有人归还。

守军看着便衣,想着他是多么的苦涩。 高楼入夜,叹息不宜闲。

下六首歌曲(选一首) 李白 五月天山雪,无花唯寒。 吹笛闻杨柳,不见春色。

萧战随金鼓,夜枕玉鞍。 恨不得把剑从腰间放下,直砍楼兰。

看着蓟门老祖永烟台,围观的人都吓了一跳,锣鼓喧天。 汉将扎营。 千里寒光生雪,三面晓摇危。

胡越战场烽火四起,冀城云海环山。 少霄虽然不是扔笔的官员,但论功劳,还是要请常营的。

出塞前九首诗(选一首) 杜甫的弓要强,箭要长。 射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。

杀戮也是有限制的,各国都有自己的边界。 若是能控制住陵墓的入侵,又怎能杀得更多。

军城演武初秋,秋风昨夜入函关,明月满西山云边。 更嘱咐飞将追杀嚣张的俘虏,不要将战马送回战场。

入夜,闻投降城内笛声,李毅返回乐丰。 沙如雪,降城外月如霜。 不知何处吹芦笛,招人彻夜望故乡。

塞下一曲(二首) 陆伦临暗草惊风,将军夜开弓。 平明找白羽,却不在石棱之中。

月雁高飞,单于夜遁。 欲将轻骑赶走,弓刀皆覆大雪。

征兵年年责备刘仲永进河扶余关,朝朝马策刀响。 三春雪归绿丘,黄河绕黑山万里。

雁门太守李贺被云雾笼罩欲毁城,嘉光开向日本金鳞。 号角声漫天秋景,塞胭脂凝夜紫。

半卷红旗临沂水,霜重,鼓冷,无声。 金台上报王,扶玉龙为王死。

游陇西,陈韬誓要不顾自己性命横扫匈奴,将五千条紫锦祭祀尘埃。 无定河边可怜的白骨,依旧是春姑娘梦里的人。

己亥岁,曹宋泽国入战图,生人何济乐乔苏。 按照君陌封侯事的话,一将继位,万骨亡。









风劲牛角低头,将军猎渭城。 草枯鹰眼病,雪轻如马蹄。

转眼过了新丰城,回到了西流营。 回首鹰射处,万里云平。


终究是南边的银岭山色秀美,白雪飘浮在云间。 森林清澈,城市渐冷。


鸟在千山飞去,人在万径消失。 船PC世翁,独钓树雪。


青蚁新酿酒,红土小灶。 傍晚,天空如雪,没有什么可喝的。


墙角数株梅枝,凌寒独开。 我知道这不是雪,因为有一股暗香。
















月雁高飞,单于夜遁。 欲将轻骑赶走,弓刀皆覆大雪。


胡风吹新雪,千里来龙山。 季君瑶台上,两幅对联飘扬在他们面前。

既然早晨很美,就避开晴天。 阳光下的桃李节,光洁如新。


坐南窗灯,风雹暗。 夜孤村深,雪中残雁闻。


深冰厚三尺,素雪万里。 我心如松柏,你情如何?










拉饶附近下雪了,闲屋里冷得要死。 学者在此授课,天意变难知。

猿鸣三声,状如枯柏。 也应该是公平的,我们并没有熬过山期。


窗外下雪,酒缸开灶。 何似雨中渔舟,宿秋江华盖下?


岁末风移地,夜寒雪。 老爷子睡哪儿,暖帐前,灶台前。

有两层棕色被子和一个花毡领子。 粥煮好了,喘不过气来,日皋睡得安稳。

是时候让身心无所事事了。 为了熬过风雪,我闲置了六年。

忽思远游人,又思早朝士。 踏着寒冷,侵入黑夜,凌寒还未起身。

心为身之父,身为心之臣。 身不自由,皆由心所造。

我的心是满足的,我的身体是平静的。 我当不负方寸语之形。


上山风雪,游子衣衫单薄。 环视迷路,忧肺肝。

昼短眠易老,夜长知寒。 泪流潇湘弦,歌声苦调。

is easy , but is in . The and can be , and the can from it.

" Lane" [Tang ] Wei

The in is deep, the cold and .

sees and asks in the , know 's .

" Snow Song" [Tang ] Li

The same is like the of the sky, and the cold the mane and dry rain.

The in the jade are , and the wind in the Way the sand.

Xie Ke didn't live in , and lost of the and .

It be Xi and Juan , Yuan Yuan and to Tai Su.

to , I don't know if to win the of the ?

" Day Snow the " [Tang ]

Just as the days are one , .

, it has been with , who is more than Yang Hua.

The is as cold as the , and the of the pine is to .

It's not just that the add , and .

1. A poem

Wang Bo [] leaf path in the , plum the city. I don't know that and are , but I don't feel the of .

Wang Bo [ ] are two in the , and a of and in . for a days, a of a .

Wang Bo [Deng Chun Wang] and are , and the is new at the of the . and are in , is not for .

Wang Bo [Ye Xing] The wild the , and the moon on the . It will also be in the , and I will come to the .

Wang Bo [ Moon Two ] The , and the the . On the in , who sees and the .

Wang Bo's " Two " A of and blue , the moon to the . away from the , the and are cold at .

Wang Bo [Four by ] The wind and on the , and the are and . you off to , what will .

Wang Bo's [Four as a gift to Li ] The wild of Mao Yu, and the love the . Qin Zun is the only one to wait for, and the wind and the moon will find each .

Wang Bo [Wild in ] The is wide and the tide is in , and the are long and . The is the , and the and are in the .

Wang Bo [in the ] The has in , will . The is high wind and late, and the and are .

Wang Bo [ of in the Cold ] the in the and , the song of the . this , .

Wang Bo [ Late ] 'an is near, and are on . day day, is a .

Wang Bo [ is far away from in the ] The in the are gone, and the are here. The and are , and the road is .

Wang Bo [Pu'an wall] is deep and , and Min is . In the and of the and , when will the ?

2. What are the ""

Path in the , Li the city. I don't know that and are , but I don't feel the of . —— Tang " "

: In the , is a path full of on the , and is a and plum the city, but is no in the , and the of is not .

is deep and , and Min is . In the and of the and , when will the ? ——Tang "Pu'an Wall"

: The and the Han are deep, and the and are high. high and deep day, when will I be able to to my ?

The and are , and the is new when it is . and are in , is not for . ——Tang 's " Hope on the City"

: You can get to the and by , and the and at the of the day are more and . The are full of , red and . is no ?

The wild , and the moon on the . It will also be in the , and I will come to the . ——Tang 's "Ye Xing"

: The smog of the vast the at . The moon at the top of the on the . Like Ji Kang, I took the wine and the qin on the road to find my .

The , and the the . On the in , who sees and the . ——Tang " Moon Two "

: The sent away the from far away, and the , as if in the in the part of the . On a in , in the at the , who has ever seen cry when they ?

The is wide and the tide is in , and the are long and . The is the , and the and are in the . —— Tang 's " "

: The of the is , and the tide is full of , each wave is than the . The are tall and , and in the , the are . I far and wide in a , and saw red and the by the , was a .

3. of Bai Juyi's into

has , and has . The , and the is full of blue . "**I have

The has not seen, but the and are in the ", the poem of Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang ,

The of . 是的! into , you can see and , and are long .

This gift of with a rich ,

into "Xi'an's back ".

, , , and , the and and and with the of the and the , and at the same time

the of and , a of and and a long

The of into one.

4. of Bai Juyi's into

has , and has . The , and the is blue. .yes! , you can see and , and are long and . This gift of with a rich and and "the back of Xi'an". **** is on the type, , , , and . It has both and of and , and , and at the same time the of and . It a and long and .

5. the

1. "Deng " - Cen Shen of the Tang

The are low the sill, and the is in the .

: on the , you can see the low ; by the , you can see the Wei .

2. " from the left to to show Sun " - Han Yu in the Tang

is 's home? Snow blue and .

: is the of ? The snow the blue pass and the to move .

3. " Sees Nine of Yuan " - Bai Juyi in Tang

The snow king of to the sun, and the wind in when I go.

: snow at On the day you came back, the wind on the Now when I .

4. " " - Tang Dan

The on the , and the are new, and the area is and .

far away from , are with .

: The like in the , and the are and . The up, and the are like , the of the sun. He long in of , and came to , but saw that the was and by .

5. "Five in Cai " - Hong Shi in Song

The that the of the in is not as as the old pine in the .

: it has and , it is to , it is to the of pine.

6. "", "" and "".

You can't see you when you turn in the , and you stay in the 's the snow;

The of apes on both of the bank is not , and the boat can pass the ten ;

of to the , is like ;

See the in the , see the in the ;

In the half moon of Emei in , the the of .

The is and , the of the tree on the and the love is soft;

that the road is , it is to the ;

The moon the , and the flow ;

On the on , the have no mind and the has ;

On a day, the of the are of a , and the of the moon in the is more like a cup.

The of the lake in is too to the ;

The cage, the cold , the moon cage and the sand, Qin Huai near the at ;

Ask him how it is? For the of ;

I pity the of my , and see off the boat for of ;

The half- red flag is , the is , the drum is cold, and is no .

7. or the Qi

"Qi soup soup, car and ." "Qi long, and ." in my 's "The Book of " the on both of the Qi .

" on the , the east is vast and are no . The sun is the , and the is in the well. The boy at the , and the with him. What's the with the , the the day pass." Poet Wang Wei's poem " Qi Tian Yuan Ji Shi". The poem that the Qihe at that time was , with and . with and - are and by the ; . This an for the of the in the Tang who were in .

them, "Mang" is the poem in our . In the poem, it is : "Send the son to , as to ". The "Qi" here to the Qi .

Li Bai, a poet, in "Wei Jun Bie Su Ming of the Tour": "The of Wei , and the . Qi , and cars rush day by day. are the two , and of are . The It is , and we meet time we here."

Poet Du Fu also in " and ": "The Tian to the dry rain, and the is to urge the . is no need for a ." This poem was on the eve of the . The poet sees the of 'an, the , and the anti- is very good, and the of joy that the all over the will end the war-torn life of the the . It is so big that the poet only "Qi ", can also be seen from one side to see the and of Qi at that time.

Who are the the of Town, , City, ?

The the of Town, , City, , , , , , and , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

is the in , City

is the in , City?A in the of , City, in the city of , , City,

is the

Ye is a in the east of , City, , with the Ye . is , Town of in the east, Town of Town in in the , Town in the west and Town in the .

How from , ?

who ask such are very . They are all from Hong Kong, with , folk , and . They all have the of the in , and they are all of the . In , the of shed for the . the of , they . In the four , they used to find ways.

are , kind, and . They have come from hard and know how to the good in life. Some , and , are and , with , like Qin 's and , they like to Qin , and like to sing big . The is , and the are by .

are kind, , , , , , and , and they have the of the in one body. If you are to be over to a , it will be a you have in , I am a from , , !

it was the who made the , if the to fix it, it be fine. love , so get it in a way!The of is to the of and from . You have lost the and up the , and you are -

, I'm a good guy!

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