佛山 阳光头条 | 痴迷奢侈品,女财务18个月挪用1400余万元;公司员工薅走价值近200万元银块被判刑;名创优品发布反腐通报

日期: 2025-02-25 14:02:47|浏览: 18|编号: 124156

中国品瑞奢侈品修复培训基地面向全国常年培训: 奢侈品修复培训,品牌皮具修复培训, 品牌洗鞋培训,品牌修鞋培训,品牌皮衣修复翻新培训,品牌沙发修复翻新培训,汽车沙发座椅修复翻新培训,男女不限年龄不限,随到随学,一期不会下期免费再学,包学会为止。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

佛山 阳光头条 | 痴迷奢侈品,女财务18个月挪用1400余万元;公司员工薅走价值近200万元银块被判刑;名创优品发布反腐通报

2025年2月24日星期一,欢迎阅读《阳光诚信联盟》的“阳光头条”专栏 - 本专栏重点介绍本周国际和国内诚信和合规行业的新闻和信息。本周的信息:











2。赔偿1500万元后,他被要求再赚取10亿元人民币! Plum Blossom Bio被指控侵犯了商业秘密










1. Miniso发布反腐败通知


3 Yili Resource Group,Zhuoyu,Woodpecker家庭维修和北京联合信托基金会加入Sunshine Integrity Alliance










事件发生后,李完全退还了挪用的资金,可以根据刑法的相关规定受到更轻的惩罚。最后,在普托地区检察官根据法律提起诉讼后,李被判处上述侵犯资金的惩罚。 (Shangguan新闻)


2月19日,申穆市政公共安全局的经济调查大队破裂了涉及超过100万元人民币的挪用公司,并逮捕了犯罪嫌疑人Hao Moumou。

据报道,2024年11月,Shaanxi省一家贸易公司的法律代表Guo Moumou去了经济调查大队,报告说,他公司手机商店的销售人员Hao Moumou利用了他的职位来占据这家商店的销售价值100元。吴万。收到报告后,该旅立即激活了快速调查和快速开裂机制,并进行了全面的调查和破裂。

经过调查后,嫌疑人霍·穆莫(Hao Moumou)从2017年至2024年9月在Shenmu City Jinjie镇的一家手机商店担任销售员。他负责电子产品的销售,例如移动电话,计算机,耳机和注册系统。偶然地,Hao Moumou发现该公司的销售系统存在漏洞。通过操作,一天中的帐户时间可以更改为前几年甚至几年,从而逃避了当前的“和解”并为自己拿走销售资金。公司从来没有很难发现何时摄入库存。在发现了这种“赚钱的方式”之后,Hao Mouyi失控了。从2021年6月到2024年5月,他挪用了公司的销售资金超过100万元,而Hao Mouyi在提起案件之前返回了该公司的470,000元人民币。

召唤后,霍承认被捕后挪用公司。目前,犯罪嫌疑人Hao Moumou已根据法律被Shenmu市政公共安全局刑事拘留奢侈品修复培训,此案仍在进一步调查中。 (Shenmu公共安全)


Zeng担任公司研讨会的团队负责人,负责检查和增加金属材料; Dong是一名技术人员,负责在生产线上进行调试和增加材料。 2023年3月,董向Zeng建议,由于Zeng可以收到并增加银元,因此他可以从中获利。经过讨论,两人达成了共识,Zeng将秘密地将仓库中的完整银块和公司的剩余银块拿出来,然后Dong将被盗的钱卖给了Hu银回收商店。从3月到2023年6月,Zeng和Dong向HU出售了总价值超过198万元的银牌,他们每个人都收到了990,000元人民币的被盗资金。事件发生后,胡自愿投降并返还了182,000元的非法收入; Dong返回了550,000元人民币的被盗商品和一辆汽车; Zeng退还了30万元人民币被盗的商品。

最近,吉安县人民法院审理了挪用公款,并判处被告Zeng和Dong犯下了挪用公款犯罪,并掩盖和掩盖了犯罪的收益,并被判处3年9个月至2年。分别在监狱里。将不再有40,000元人民币的罚款,并将退还非法收入。 ()





3. Ren Moumou接受贿赂和滥用权力



6. Miao Moumou的管理非审计执行监督案件的申请









申请人郭作为多个劳动公司的委托代理人,已与北京的生态环境治理公司有限公司签订了劳工分包合同(以下称为“北京一家公司”),涉及多个省份的园林绿化项目。 2017年11月15日,北京公司A与Qinhuangdao B Construction Labor Co.,Ltd。(以下称为“ Qinhuangdao b Company”)签署了一项建筑项目分包合同,该合同隶属于Hebei Xiongan New District,Hebei。郭某人是实际的建筑工人。后来,由于北京公司A拒绝支付590,000元人民币的一部分项目付款,因此Guo以此为基础向Rongcheng County的北京人A起诉A向Rongcheng County,Xiong'an New Distrion,并将其视为Qinhuangdao Company B派对。法院是在2021年3月15日提起并接受的。 ”)理由是郭在与他合作的项目中犯了欺诈,而公共安全机构进行了调查。北京公司A向法院提供了相关材料,例如“提起案件的通知”和其他相关材料。同年5月13日,隆琴县人民法院裁定驳回了郭的起诉,理由是涉嫌犯有刑事犯罪,公共安全机器人已提出调查。郭提起上诉,北北区中级人民法院赫比(以下称为“ xiong'an新区中级法院”)裁定拒绝郭的上诉。后来,郭向河北高等法院申请了重审,法院裁定拒绝郭的重试申请。



接受和审查状态。 2023年3月21日,郭对二stance裁决感到不满意,并申请对采购官的监督。在Hebei Province人民检察官(以下称为“ Xiong'an New District Branch”的Xiong'an新地区分支机构)接受了此案后,发现第一定位和二stance法院没有进行实质性审查民事案件与刑事申请之间的相关性;刑事案件提起诉讼后,没有向接受民事起诉的法院发出书面信; Guo向第二架实例法院申请从公共安全机器人那里检索相关证据,表明刑事案件不涉及Xiongan新地区案件涉及的项目,但第二例法院不批准该案件。为了应对上述情况,北甘新区分支机构致信北京的通姆公共安全局,以验证2023年6月1日,公共安全器官回答说:“接受和提交的案件不涉及一定的造林新区的施工和维护项目。”

监督意见。根据“最高人民法院在经济纠纷中涉及经济犯罪的几个问题的相关规定”,指的是最高人民法院释放的相关案件,Xiongan New District Barks认为,公共安全器官没有调查案件并调查可疑犯罪犯罪。人民法院裁定在民事案件中拒绝原告起诉的足够条件。首先提起民事案件时,根据起诉裁定的法院有义务审查是否在民事诉讼中被指控该当事方是否有义务在刑事案件中审查嫌疑犯,至少必须实现“刑事申请机构需要向人民法院解释相关材料,以接受该案件。合法的诉讼权利,以及北京汤佐公共安全局提供的新证据,足以证明公共安全机器人没有为涉及的Xiongan新地区建设项目提起刑事案件。在这种情况下,对民事诉讼案件的审判不应受到北京公司提交的相关犯罪报告材料的影响,并符合重试条件。 2023年6月20日,北甘新区分支机构向Xiongan新区中级人民法院发出了重试起诉建议。

监督结果。 2023年9月1日,北新地区中级人民法院,赫比回应了该检察官的建议,要求采取重试检察官,并将案件送回隆琴县人民法院进行重审。在审判期间,北京公司A认为,该案涉及的合同是由公司和第三方Qinhuangdao Company B签署的。 B.感情。经过审判,隆琴县人民法院裁定,郭已与北京公司A签订了一份分包合同,为多个劳动公司的委托代理商长期以来,该合同表示B党是Guo,可以确定北京公司是北京公司知道郭是实际情况。建筑工人,第三方Qinhuangdao公司B也承认了隶属关系的事实,郭被认为是原告的投诉。同时,根据北京公共安全局提供的答复信,公共安全机器人提出的刑事案件不涉及该案所涉及的项目。基于此,Rongcheng County法院支持Guo的诉讼,并命令北京公司向Guo支付项目付款。判决现在已经实现。


接受和审查状态。 Xiongan New District分支坚持“对一个案件进行双重调查”。民事采购部门与刑事检索部门一起侧重于审查与民事案件有关的刑事申请中是否存在非法性。经过审查,在过去三年中,公共安全器官的调查活动没有取得任何重大进展。申请人反复向公共安全机器人报告了他们需要及时处理的情况,但没有明确的结果。根据“关于人民在人民生产国内生产的法律监督线索的规定”,依靠“ Xiong'an New District Branch和The Socortation's of Sopuratorate of People opuratorate of People opuratorate of People opuratorate”北京Tongzhou区的人民检察官(以下称为“北京Tongzhou地区生产法”),Xiong'an新地区分支机构签署了一项“关于协调的高质量发展合作与共同建设的框架协议”,由Xiong'an New District Branch和北京的Tongzhou地区的人民检察官签署(以下称为“北京Tongzhou地区Procuratorate”), anxin区分支机构将线索转移到北京的汤佐区学校。



监督结果。 2024年6月21日,北京的汤佐地区法院举行了公开听证会,邀请地区人民代表代表和特别主管担任听证官。郭和他的委托律师和公共安全器官的相关负责人参加。听证会基于案件的事实和相关的法律规定。首先输入该过程,充分确保当事方在检察官监督过程中表达他们的意见,并在案件纠纷中耐心,精心解释和理由。经过评估后,北京的汤佐地方法院得出了最终结论,即此案符合撤军的条件。同年6月24日,向北京的通州公共安全局发出了“撤销案件的通知”。同时,发出书面监督文件,以根据法律监督和纠正非法调查活动。


(1)当处理涉及企业的“民事和刑事监督的交汇处”时,我们必须准确掌握实质性的法律关系,完全保证当事方起诉的权利,遵守“一项案件和两项调查”的全面履行“一项案件和两项调查” ,并根据法律进行全面的监督。在涉及涉及企业以及复杂事实和证据的“民事和刑事与刑事相交”的案件中,有各种各样的法律关系。该采购方内的所有部门均应加强信息通信,信息转移和人员合作,坚持对一个案件进行双重调查,并根据法律进行全面的监督。在涉及企业“公民跨境”的情况下,应围绕民事法律关系进行实质性审查。对于与刑事案件没有实质性关系并且不影响刑事判决的民事案件,不应以“刑事第一和平民”为由支持实质性。民事诉讼请求。对于法院在没有支持的情况下作出的裁决,请根据法律及时进行跟进和监督法院的更正,并有效地维护当事方起诉权的权利。在审查民事监督案件的同时,我们必须注意加强对相关刑事案件申请和调查活动的监督。如果犯罪手段用于干预侵犯企业合法权利和利益的经济纠纷或其他情况,则民事采购部门应迅速向刑事起诉转移线索。部门共同努力加强监督并组成联合监督部队。

(2)处理涉及企业的跨区域监督案件,依靠跨区域的司法合作机制,坚持协调和协调的职责履行,并继续根据法律进行监督。涉及企业的跨区域监督案件在许多地方都涉及采购,并且容易出现诸如沟通不良和不平衡机制之类的问题。为了解决这些监督问题,检察官必须牢固地建立“一场国际象棋游戏”的想法,依靠北京 - 蒂安吉·赫比(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei procuratorial链接与合作)等地区合作机制,使区域合作协议的角色充分发挥作用在采购方面,加强工作信息的共享和互操作性,有效的监督线索转移以及人事部队的协调相互作用。 ,促进检察官监督的持续努力,并协调保护企业合法权利和利益的保护。


Shi Moumou和其他涉嫌侵犯公民个人信息的案件




Tianjin W Technology Co.,Ltd。(以下称为W Company)Shi Moumou等双方的信贷机构和贷款中介机构提供信息服务和费用。 2023年3月11日,省Y县的公共安全局针对Shi Moumou和其他人提出了案件,因为他涉嫌侵犯公民的个人信息。同年3月17日,Y县的公共安全局逮捕了Shi Moumou和其他19人,冻结了与该公司相关帐户有关的1572万元的资金,并扣押了Shi Moumou和Ren Moumou的存款证书,移动电话和移动电话和其他属性。同年3月18日,Shi Moumou和其他12名因涉嫌侵犯公民的个人信息而被Y县的公共安全局刑事拘留。 3月22日奢侈品修复培训,Ren Moumou和其他七人由Y县的公共安全局保释。

2023年4月17日,公共安全器官要求批准逮捕Shi Moumou和12人被拘留。 Y县的检察官发现Shi Moumou和12人构成了侵犯公民个人信息的罪行。不建议将Shi Moumou和其他人推荐给其他人。逮捕不会造成社会危险,因此不批准逮捕的决定。 2023年9月20日,公共安全机器人转移了什叶穆莫(Shi Moumou)和其他19名,以起诉侵犯公民的个人信息。






(4)进行相关的案例分类和调查以实现类似的案例监督。在监督此案时,H和Mutinipal of Y的省级检察官已解决并研究了相同类型的当地案件,并发现其他基层Y的Y Y Y正在处理两个具有类似业务模型的相关案例。 H省份检察官始于Shi Moumou和19人的案件,并获得了类似的案件监督,监督了128人的撤离,并监督了该案中涉及的超过2700万元人民币的返回,以保护合法的案件根据法律,涉及案件的企业和人员的权利和利益。





Ren Moumou接受贿赂和滥用权力的情况




从2019年7月到2023年4月,被告Ren Moumou利用了S省L县党委员会常务委员会成员的职位,以及其权力或地位所形成的权力或地位的便利性the actions of other state staff members in the position of Others seek benefits in land procedures, engineering project contracting, etc., and illegally accept property from others totaling more than RMB 4.25 million.

From July 2019 to December 2020, during his tenure as member of the Standing Committee of the L County Party Committee, deputy county magistrate, and head of the county's special action to crack down on illegal land and mine, the defendant Ren Moumou without authorization allowed others to mine yellow sand and condoned the illegality. Sand mining, instructed arrangements and unauthorized decisions to not pursue or give lighter punishment to illegal sand mining people Yang Moumou, Ma Mou and others, causing losses of more than 1.98 million yuan in the state's mineral resources.

On September 28, 2023, the Y Municipal Supervision Commission transferred Ren Moumou to the Y Municipal Procuratorate for review and prosecution on suspicion of accepting bribes and abuse of power. After being designated as a jurisdiction in accordance with the law, on October 7, 2023, the Y Municipal Procuratorate handed the case to the R County Procuratorate for handling. On November 10, 2023, the R County Procuratorate filed a public prosecution in the R County Court for Ren Moumou suspected of taking bribes and abuse of power. On March 29, 2024, the R County Court sentenced Ren Moumou to six years and six months in prison and a fine of RMB 500,000 for accepting bribes; he was sentenced to two years in prison for abuse of power, and he was fined both for multiple crimes. , decided to impose a fine of RMB 500,000. After the first instance judgment, Ren Moumou did not appeal and the judgment took effect.

[Section of duties of the procuratorate]

(1) Do a solid job of intervention in advance and accurately determine the amount of losses. On September 22, 2023, the Y Municipal Supervision Commission asked the Y Municipal Procuratorate to intervene in advance in the case of Ren Moumou suspected of accepting bribes and abuse of power. Procuratorates of the Y Municipal Procuratorate and R County Procuratorate jointly review the case files, listen to the case introduction, and sort out and analyze relevant evidence materials. After review, it was found that in the crime of abuse of power, the triangular grid method and the section method were used to calculate the difference and the amount of sand taken is inconsistent, and different calculation methods were adopted to affect the determination of the amount of losses caused by abuse of power. Therefore, the procuratorate recommends that the supervisory authority further understand the situation and accurately determine the amount of sand mining. After obtaining written instructions from the measurement company, the supervisory authority determined that the triangular grid method was used to calculate the actual sand mining volume. In combination with the price appraisal opinions, the amount of losses caused by the abuse of power in this case is accurately determined.

(2) Purify the ecology of the natural resources field and crack down on illegal and criminal activities in the mineral resources field throughout the entire chain. During the investigation by the supervisory authority, after consultation and discussion, the clues of illegal mining crimes found were transferred to the public security organs for investigation, and the public security organs transferred 30 people suspected of illegal mining and concealing the proceeds of the crime for review and prosecution. The above-mentioned defendant was sentenced to The punishment ranges from six months to four years and one month, and illegal income of 343,000 yuan will be recovered in accordance with the law. In response to the problems found in the case of L County Natural Resources Bureau in terms of personnel management and employment, party style and clean government construction, timely issued prosecutorial recommendations, and urged to improve the system and mechanism in strengthening land and resources management and effectively preventing crimes, and improve the ability to perform duties.

(3) Organize on-site inspection of the trial to expand the effectiveness of case handling. Taking into account the sentencing circumstances of Ren Moumou surrender, confession and repentance, and full return of stolen goods, after soliciting opinions from the supervisory authority, a system of lenient punishment for pleading guilty and accepting punishment is applied to Ren Moumou. On March 29, 2024, during the trial of Ren Moumou's bribery and abuse of power, he cooperated with the judicial authorities to organize the staff of the Y city and L county governments, public security organs and some administrative agencies to observe the trial. At the trial, the prosecutor explained the social harm of crimes of accepting bribes and abuse of power and the necessity of severely cracking down on crimes in the field of mineral resources. During the final statement stage, the defendant Ren Moumou made a profound confession. Through trial observation and interpretation of the law through cases, good warning and education results were achieved.

【Typical significance】

(1) Give full play to the substantive role of early intervention. In the process of handling official crime cases, the procuratorate strengthens consultation, communication and coordination with the supervisory authority, and accurately examines whether there are favoritism and fraud in the crime of abuse of power, and whether there is a criminal law between abuse of power and the loss of mineral resources. While conducting sufficient arguments on the causal relationship of mineral resources, we will focus on reviewing the evidence that whether the loss of mineral resources has reached "specially serious circumstances", and promptly collect evidence from professional institutions for the problem of different sand extraction due to different measurement methods. Improve the evidence chain and consolidate the evidence basis for crimes of abuse of power.

(2) Strengthen integrated performance of duties and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of comprehensive management of illegal and criminal activities in the field of mineral resources. We will work together to strengthen large-scale protection and coordinate the promotion of large-scale governance. The procuratorate effectively strengthens cooperation and cooperation with the supervisory organs, and while handling cases of suspected bribery and dereliction of duty by party and government staff in the protection of water resources in the Yellow River, it will promptly participate in consultation, transfer clues, and decisive investigation and punishment, and resolutely punish illegal procurement. Sand and other crimes to destroy environmental resources. Pay attention to systematic concepts, firmly establish the idea of ​​"one game of chess", and perform duties across regions and integrate, and do a good job in recovering stolen assets and rescuing losses for those who cause damage to mineral resources, and coordinate the promotion of resource protection and high-quality economic and social development.

(3) Perform duties in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the law, coordinate and complement each other in various procuratorial functions, and contribute procuratorial strength to the overall anti-corruption situation. Through communication and consultation, procuratorial recommendations, etc., urge administrative agency staff to perform their duties in accordance with the law, and have a "zero tolerance" for criminal acts that damage the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin, so as to normalize the crackdown on illegal mining. Carry out targeted trial observation activities, observe court investigations, court debates, and defendant statements through "zero distance" observation, make good use of the important classroom of anti-corruption and promoting integrity, urge public officials to learn from the case, perform their duties in accordance with the law, and reflect on themselves and warn themselves.


Wang and others embezzled their posts,

Bribery cases for non-state staff


Reverse connection between the classification and disposal of corruption in private enterprises

【Basic Case】

The defendant Wang, male, was formerly the general manager of the Legal Affairs Department of a Shanghai Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Since November 2014, the defendant Wang has worked in a Shanghai Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Company"), and has served as a senior director, deputy general manager and general manager, responsible for the daily work of the Ministry of Law and Government Affairs, team management, and Shanghai. The legal work of a company and its subsidiaries includes handling of rights protection litigation cases and other matters.

From 2016 to 2020, the defendant Wang used his position to illegally possess the money of a Shanghai company and its affiliated companies, and used his position to take advantage of his position, alone or in collusion with Chen and others, and the amount was totaled rmb。 More than 119 million yuan.

From December 2016 to July 2021, the defendant Wang used his position to collude with the same-case-related person Chen to obtain the authorization of a subsidiary of a Shanghai company for the actual Beijing Technology Development Co., Ltd. In the name of thank-you fees, the benefits given by Qin Moumou were collected, totaling RMB 40 million; the defendant Wang Mou was in the process of obtaining authorization for rights protection cases and copyright authorization for literary works by Chen Mou, Zheng Mou and Han Mou, the accomplice. Requesting or illegally accepting property given by the above-mentioned persons, a total of more than 1 million yuan.

On December 24, 2021, the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Pudong Public Security Bureau) transferred Wang to the People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Pudong New District (hereinafter referred to as the Pudong Procuratorate) for review and arrest on suspicion of embezzlement and bribery by non-state staff. On December 30 of the same year, the Pudong Procuratorate approved the arrest of Wang and additionally prosecuted Chen, Liu and others. On January 18, 2023, the Pudong Procuratorate filed a public prosecution for Wang's crime of embezzlement and bribery by non-state staff; then, Chen's crime of embezzlement and bribery by non-state staff, concealed and concealed the proceeds of the crime, The crime of bribery against non-state employees; public prosecution against Liu and others for concealing and concealing the proceeds of crimes, and the crime of accepting bribes by non-state employees; Hou, who surrendered himself, admitted guilt and accepted punishment, returned stolen money and returned compensation, was suspected of concealing and concealing the crimes by Hou. The offender made a relatively non-prosecution decision, and issued a "Prosecution Opinion" to the Pudong Public Security Bureau, suggesting administrative penalties were imposed on him.

On December 15, 2023, the People's Court of Pudong New District of Shanghai made a first-instance judgment, sentenced the defendant Wang to 16 years in prison and confiscated property for the crime of embezzlement and bribery by non-state staff. 2.6 million yuan; on May 12, 2024, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court ruled in the second instance to reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment. The other defendants were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three to fifteen years on the above charges.

[Section of duties of the procuratorate]

(1) Guide investigations throughout the process and comprehensively and accurately confirm the facts and amounts of crimes. Wang repeatedly used the legal commission rights protection agreement as a guise, and privately protected his rights and collected compensation without the knowledge of a Shanghai company. It involved many third-party companies and had relatively hidden means, so Wang refused to confess to the crime. Pudong Procuratorate was invited to intervene in the investigation in advance, guided the public security organs to make breakthroughs from the ownership of compensation, the destination of funds and key witnesses, and fixed evidence of the crimes related to the use of their position to embezzle 34 million yuan of property and accept bribes of 500,000 yuan. 。 The public security organs requested the approval of Wang's arrest. The Pudong Procuratorate made a decision to approve the arrest in accordance with the law and prepared a detailed investigation outline to guide the public security organs to collect testimony from more than ten witnesses including Jin Moumou and Pan Mou, and verify the return of funds. Objective evidence confirms that the money occupied by Wang was a property that was determined to be available to a Shanghai company, and the property was not used for the public relations activities of a Shanghai company, forming a complete chain of evidence. Based on this, it was additionally determined that Wang's embezzlement amount was 119 million yuan and that non-state employees received bribes of more than 41 million yuan, and the number of third-party companies involved increased from 3 to 11.

(2) Comprehensively punish related crimes and prevent the use of criminal means to interfere in economic disputes. On the one hand, the procuratorate has conducted in-depth reviews of clues of related duty crimes. Wang repeatedly embezzled the company's money by reporting the case criminally before asking for compensation from the rights protection company. After investigation by the Pudong Procuratorate, he found that law enforcement officer Chen was the organizer or associated law enforcement officer of Wang's many cases of private rights protection. Guide the public security organs to start with Chen and verify the fact that he used his power to help Wang start the rights protection procedures. It is recommended that the public security organs transfer additional criminal facts such as prosecuting Chen and Wang's joint office embezzlement, and use this as an entry point to pass Wang's funds. The flow was investigated in reverse, and many public officials from many places were found to participate in it. Then, they transferred clues to the Supervision Commission. Four cases have been filed. On the other hand, the procuratorate prosecuted the crime of missing out on the grounds of recovering stolen money, guided the public security organs to issue stolen money warnings to the holders of related accounts, and urged relevant personnel to take the initiative to explain. Wang's wife Liu took the initiative to be arrested and truthfully confessed that he knew the nature of the money given by Wang, and still used the cash to buy a house after depositing it. He additionally determined that he constituted concealment and concealed the proceeds of the crime. Hou took the initiative to be arrested and confessed that he had concealed the case. , concealing the fact that Wang's criminal proceeds were made. Based on this, the public security organs were guided to recover 74.5 million yuan of stolen assets by seizing real estate and freezing related accounts, and urging relevant personnel to withdraw more than 2 million yuan of illegal income.

【Typical significance】

(1) Adhere to the rules of evidence judgment and severely punish internal corruption cases in private enterprises. For series of major corruption cases within private enterprises that are packaged concealed through entrustment agreements and other means, the procuratorate should adhere to the rules of evidence judgment, pay full attention to and examine the defendant's confession and defense one by one, and use the contradictions between their confession and defense as a breakthrough point to retrieve the company. Objective documentary evidence such as financial system norms and financial statement accounting rules, inquiring key witnesses, closely following the key of capital flow, forming a complete chain of evidence that confirms each other, overturning the defendant's defense one by one, and fully confirming the facts犯罪。

(2) Adhere to the principle of comprehensive review, prosecute missed crimes and transfer clues of duty crimes in accordance with the law, and handle related criminal cases in a classified manner. The occurrence of major corruption cases within private enterprises usually involves collusion between internal and external parties and cooperation among multiple people. The procuratorate should adhere to comprehensive review, systematically sort out the structure of the criminals in a series of cases, their respective status and roles, prosecute the crime of missing out on the crime in accordance with the law, and deal with it in a classified方式。 In response to the collusion between public officials and internal personnel of private enterprises, they are keen to discover the situation of using criminal means to interfere in economic disputes, and promptly transfer clues of bribery to the supervisory authorities in accordance with the law, and severely punish related duty crimes. For those who plead guilty and accept punishment, have little subjective malice and are less likely to make a relatively non-prosecution decision in accordance with the law, and make a good connection between the execution and execution.






















2021年4月6日,河南省鹤壁市市场监督管理局(以下简称“市场监管局”)向鹤壁市淇滨区某餐饮店作出8万元的行政处罚,原因是餐饮店户外灯箱使用绝对化广告,宣传用语“秘制配方最正宗的鲜虾锅底”,以及菜单上有表明牛肉功效的宣传广告,对消费者造成误导。该餐饮店经营者苗某某在缴纳罚款1万元后,未再缴纳剩余罚款。 2022年1月4日,市场监管局向鹤壁市淇滨区人民法院(以下简称“淇滨区法院”)申请强制执行剩余罚款7万元和加处罚款8万元。 2022年1月6日,淇滨区法院裁定准予强制执行,冻结该餐饮店及经营者苗某某银行存款,查封苗某某名下房产1套,并将苗某某纳入失信被执行人名单。 2022年5月25日,苗某某因对淇滨区法院的执行裁定及市场监管局处罚决定不服,到鹤壁市淇滨区人民检察院(以下简称淇滨区检察院)12309检察服务中心信访,要求检察机关依法监督。



