在“苏州明(Ming Pao)”中对卷烟广告的研究 - 针对广告和营销策略的讨论

日期: 2025-01-25 08:02:35|浏览: 80|编号: 119860

在“苏州明(Ming Pao)”中对卷烟广告的研究 - 针对广告和营销策略的讨论



Dong Fenhe是苏州科学技术大学社会发展与公共管理学院的副教授。他的出版物包括“中国秦和汉朝的科学技术历史”(《人民出版社》,1993年),“中期现代世界的科学技术史”(国际广播出版社,1996年),“书法史”和明朝的密封雕刻”(Hebei 出版社,2005年);校对“ 的初稿”(上海古书籍出版社,要出版)等;最近发表的“关于汉汉神庙的诗歌石碑”(“中国文化论坛”,第20期,2018年第4期),“分析和对中国政府经营的手工业的技术特征的分析和思想 - 一项针对苏州编织局的调查清朝”(“ ”第5期,2018年),“ Shu Monk Daxiu及其论文包括“对XIU大师的死后作品的分析”(“宗教研究”,第3期,2017年),《 Dibao评论》研究”(“新闻”,第20期,2016年),等等。


广告是一种重要的宣传媒介,也是社交生活变化的记录和影响者。报纸是现代社会中最具影响力的大众媒体。其中的广告带有大量的时代信息,并反映了产品营销模型和市场变化。从广告和营销策略的角度来看,“苏州明(Ming Pao)”中的香烟广告不仅反映了当时苏州的社交生活和消费习惯以及时代的变化,而且还迎合了客户的消费者心理和刺激需要促进香烟的需要。它购买和消费的愿望扩大了香烟的象征性价值,并传达了卷烟本身以外的东西。文化信息,因此以时代和历史经验的风格呈现了一些广告特征;除了现代中国报纸广告策略的共同特征外,由于两党之间的竞争关系,外国和国内香烟广告还出现了。本地化行动与加强民族主义的吸引力之间的宣传策略存在差异。


“苏州明(Ming Pao)”;香烟广告;符号价值;本地宣传;国家品牌战略

“广告是商业发展的历史,即文化进步的记录。” [1]在现代中国,广告不仅是一个重要的宣传媒体,而且是社会生活及其变化的录音机和影响者。中国的现代广告逐渐发展,西方人在鸦片战争后在中国建立报纸。在中国现代广告的历史上,报纸广告“成为现代中国广告的最重要形式”,这是由于其及时传播信息,大受众群体和广泛报道的优势。 [2]此外,与街道标志广告,海报广告,窗户广告,霓虹广告,广播广告,电影广告,电影广告等相比,当时也很受欢迎,报纸广告(如纸质印刷)也具有优势易于保存并传播到子孙后代,为当今的人提供研究。该信息的特征是“如果其他广告距离受欢迎程度不远,传单很容易分散和丢失。” [3]因此,近年来,学术界更加关注现代中国报纸广告的研究,并且不时发表了新作品。 [4]但是,全面看这些作品,他们要么着重于对现代中国报纸广告类型和形式的宏观描述,要么致力于对现代中国现代中国现代中国现代的出现,发展和历史作用的纵向讨论报纸广告,或专注于现代中国报纸广告的比较分析。在有影响力的报纸和期刊上发表的广告的案例研究相对较少,而那些从广告和营销的角度讨论报纸广告推广策略的广告研究相对较少。鉴于这一点,作者将不会是肤浅的,并且打算在1925年至1930年间使用苏州明(Ming Pao)的香烟广告,以探索中国共和国期间不同品牌的香烟广告和营销策略的促销特征。综上所述,“苏州 - 美普”中的香烟广告不仅反映了当时苏州的社交生活和消费趋势和变化,而且还迎合了消费者的购物心理学,并刺激了他们购买和消费的愿望促进香烟。 ,扩大香烟的象征价值,将文化信息传达到卷烟本身之外,从而以时代的风格和历史经验的意义提出一些广告特征。除了现代中国报纸广告策略的共同特征外,外国和国内香烟的广告还显示了本地运营(促进其产品是在中国制造的),并加强了民族主义的吸引力(强调其国籍),这是由于竞争性关系两个政党。企业与真实的家用产品之间的宣传策略差异)。

在现代中国,随着香烟,报纸和现代广告等新事物的介绍和流行,卷烟广告的出现和开发。 1880年左右,上海美国商人&Co。从美国烟草公司进口了“小美容”香烟,这是现代中国香烟销售的开始。 [5]随后,上海美国商业公司有限公司还进口了由英国漩涡式烟草公司生产的三种类型的外国香烟:“三个”,“ Winch”和“ ”进入中国市场。之后,许多品牌的外国香烟通过外国公司的代理渠道和沿海商业港口(例如上海和天津)转移到了中国的各个地区,并逐渐流行。 [6]

与香烟相比,报纸和报纸广告早些时候介绍给现代中国。鸦片战争发生之前和之后,由外国传教士经营的报纸出现在澳门和香港等沿海港口城市中。在1860年代初期,出现了商业报纸和报纸广告。在20世纪初,报纸变得“流行并像野火一样传播”。 “在茶馆和餐馆中,报纸总是用作对话材料。没人知道这个新闻。它是在脑海中印刷的,很难删除。” [7]成为一个具有成本效益,有吸引力且有影响力的广告出版平台。

“苏州·明布( )”是20世纪上半叶苏州最具影响力的当地报纸之一。 [8]该报纸最初被称为“ Ming Pao”,成立于1924年2月。发起人是,主编是Hong 。次年,该报纸被股东和常规事务总监之一张舒里安(Zhang )接管,并更名为“苏州·明用巴奥”。布局也从原始的Sikai每天更改为每天的作品集,而香港仍然担任总编辑。在反日战期间,苏州倒塌后,该报纸停止了出版物。在反日战争胜利之后,“苏州明(Ming Pao)于1945年9月恢复了出版物,并在张尚利安格(Zhang )和他的儿子张·金尚(Zhang )协助下管理了报纸事务。 1949年苏州解放后,该报纸被人民政府接管。

在中国共和国,报纸,尤其是私人报纸,主要依靠广告收入作为其主要收入来源。 “报纸的支出……主要取决于广告。” [9]广告收入的数量与报纸的生存直接相关。因此,当时报纸的布局是“广告占60%,新闻占40%”。 “每天发布的页面数量不取决于新闻。这取决于广告。” [10]“ -Ming Pao”也不例外。广告收入也是报纸收入的重要来源。因此,广告也占据着突出的空间。 “苏州明(Ming Pao)”的“广告出版法规”记录了其收费标准。 1。头等广告(即,首页和中间的广告),1925年,第一天是每行1美元每行五美分; 1927年,第1-7天每天每行1元,每天7-10天每行7美分,第10天后每天每行5美分。 [11] 2。特殊类广告(即“新闻”和其他页面上发表的广告),1928年,每行有22个单词,每行的价格为NT $ 5.00,至少有5行,也就是说发表特殊班级广告的价格至少为NT $ 2.50。元;在1934年,它被更改为每行13个单词,每行每天至少有10行,也就是说,发表特殊广告至少要花费至少3元。 [12]就布局安排而言,在1920年代中期到主体,苏州“基本上维护了四页。布局分布在首页,第四页,所有广告都在中间发表。”第三页发表了新闻,当前的评论和文学补充。第二页和第三页也发表了大量的“特殊广告”。在1930年代,在“苏州明·帕”( -Ming Pao)的布局扩展到第六,八和十的第六页之后,“广告数量也大大增加了”。 “就布局安排而言,...广告布局更加灵活,并且不再限于某些固定位置,因此报纸上充满了广告。” [13]

苏州明(Ming Pao)发表了各种类型的广告。也就是说,就商业广告而言,除了推广药品,香烟,食物,服装,书籍,化妆品等广告外,还有商业广告(商店开放,搬迁,优惠,拍卖,拍卖和会议和会议和商店等。活动广告),服务广告(电影,娱乐,金融,租赁等广告)等。仅查看香烟广告,1925- 1928年,是在苏州明·帕( Ming Pao)发表的香烟广告的高峰期。 1929年之后,数字逐渐减少。之后,只有几个月的时间出版了一两个香烟广告。 [14]此外,还受到反帝国主义和爱国主义运动的影响,例如撤销权利和抵制外国产品以及当时的国内产品,从1928年开始,从1928年开始,外国香烟的广告数量“苏州明pao”大幅下降,例如“红锡包”和“ ”。不再可见著名的外国香烟品牌的广告,例如“ da ”,而家用香烟的广告已成为主流。例如,在1928年,“苏州明(Ming Pao)”为国内香烟品牌发表了20个广告。有关详细信息,请参见下表。 [15]


对消费者购物心理学的明确理解和准确掌握是广告获得预期结果的主要先决条件。当香烟被介绍给现代中国时,它们主要是由中国外国人购买和消费的。后来,他们逐渐在中国人民中流行,成为一种钦佩外国和西方趋势的时尚。当时,为了打开香烟市场,烟草公司抓住了中国人民的心理特征,例如贪婪的少量利润,对新事物的钦佩和好奇心。一方面,他们使用了营销方法,例如赠送免费样品和邀请人们抽烟。另一方面,他们积极将广告放在报纸上。 “引起客户的兴趣并吸引客户的心理学”,[16]通过广告和宣传,指导中国人改变烟草消费习惯,从吸烟干烟草和水烟到吸烟。从1925年至1930年的苏州明鲍( )的香烟广告来看,当时的中国和外国烟草公司和香烟经销商都非常关注掌握中国消费者的购物心态和消费心理学,指导和刺激他们渴望摄取卷烟的愿望,从而刺激他们的愿望在广告中使用它们的宣传显示以下特征。

首先,请注意使用生动和直观的图形广告来推广香烟。现代早期的报纸广告以文字广告为主要表达形式。这种风格是单调的且相对抽象的,唤起和刺激人们购买的渴望并不容易。从那时起,随着广告行业的发展以及印刷技术的发展,图形广告逐渐变得流行。在中华民国期间,图形广告比纯文本广告(如图片和文本)具有优势,这些广告可以生动而生动地展示产品,启动氛围,创造艺术概念和触发协会,并成为一种常用的促销表达方式报纸广告。从理论上讲,人们喝烟主要“不是因为满足某些固定的'需求,而是因为他们是“大脑需求”。” [17]因此,更有必要使用图片和文本协调广告以实现塑造虚拟生活状况的宣传效果。当时,苏州明(Ming Pao)中的大多数香烟广告都是图形广告的形式。通过图片和文本渲染的视觉影响,他们强调并扩大了香烟的象征性价值,并传达了卷烟消费背后的文化信息。

其次,请注意掌握并迎合中国消费者的购物心态。在中国共和国,中国人通过翻译和介绍外国广告作品逐渐实现:“广告是一种通过许多媒体(例如设计,文案写作,图片和物理物体)吸引消费者心理学的方法。”因此,它必须“使用心理学”。基本原则”来分析和理解“消费者接受广告的心理特征” [18]以实现促进商品的目的。从苏州明( Ming Pao),中国和外国烟草的香烟广告来判断当时的公司和香烟经销商在广告方面首先通过出版免费的礼物广告来掌握中国人民追求的利润,并促进香烟。摆脱小礼物,获奖的测验或抽奖,积累空的香烟盒以换取礼物,或者参加抽签以吸引消费者。日历卡,玩具,毛巾,瓷盆地,服装,手表配件,金戒指,钞票等。可以说有很多礼物和奖品。例如,1926年3月3日的“ ”香烟彩票公告在“苏州明(Ming pao)”中宣布:“ 2月2月的香烟can Can宣布彩票:第一个位置将获得30元的奖金,第二位是奖金的奖金地方将获得30元的奖金。广告还宣布,获奖促销活动将在3月继续,并透露奖品设置:第一名将获得最美丽的Luo礼服材料,第二名将获得金表,第三名将获得丝绸纱。一块普通话材料和几个额外的奖品。

同年的9月14日,“哈德曼”香烟积累空的香烟盒以换取彩票资格的结果是:一等奖,一等奖,镀金的手表,具有十年的保修;两个第二次奖品,一个镀金的袋子手表,每个奖品都有五个第三名奖品,每个奖品都有一个圆形的金表;五个第四名奖品,每个奖品都有发光时钟;十个第五名奖品,每个奖品都有一大瓶厕所。 1928年3月30日,“神童”香烟还延长了一个橄榄枝,在广告中引诱消费者,提供空的香烟盒以换取奖品,并说:“对于两只空的天才香烟,您可以希望获得一百元的人。 “同年五月,3月24日头版上的“ Meil​​ang Brand”香烟的广告宣布“如果您吸烟品牌香烟,您可以获得精美的礼物”;第四页上的“ Qian敌人品牌”香烟的广告宣布发起“礼物的空包”运动。同年6月19日,“ ”香烟的广告说:“请不要扔掉空的天qiao香烟。从现在开始,每三十香烟都可以返回到北端的英国和美国香烟公司苏州昌旺大道的 ,换来了精美的桥。”打印最美丽的“女士靠在窗户上”的照片,依此类推。第二个是发表悬念广告,以满足和刺激中国人民的好奇心。例如,“苏州明(Ming Pao)”在1926年3月10日的第一页的右下角显示了五点星形图案,上面有“明天请在这里猜测广告”。这自然会造成悬念,并引起读者的好奇心,期待第二天的答案。第二天,悬念被揭示。事实证明,这是“ Brand”香烟的广告,因为五点星形图案是“ Brand”香烟的烟盒上的徽标。这种悬念广告是现代中国报纸广告创造力中常用的技术。这就像在横布谈话中的“摇动行李”。通过悬疑广告并最终揭示了答案,它引起了读者的好奇心,并不断关注广告中促进的事物,从而增强了消费者对某个品牌的信任。香烟意识甚至认可的宣传效果。

第三,强调香烟的实际功能。中国人一直是理性和务实的。购买商品时,您必须首先检查它是否实用。但另一方面,香烟与柴,大米,油,盐,酱油和醋不同。它们不是人们生活的必要物品。因此,香烟广告需要为吸烟者提供购买和食用香烟的实际理由以实现营销目的。为了将香烟与消费者联系起来,苏州明(Ming Pao)的香烟广告主要强调了两个方面的香烟的实际功能。首先是将吸烟与身体健康联系起来,并促进香烟对清爽,缓解疲劳和使人们快乐的影响。例如,1927年6月19日在“苏州明·帕”( Ming Pao在这一天”,强调香烟的好处。令人耳目一新和疲劳功能。 1927年9月12日的“ Da Qian Men Brand”香烟广告使用了一个有趣的算术问题,也就是说,“无聊的'Plus'Plus'da Qian Men'Plus'Plus a Lit Match'并解释说:“如果您感到无聊时,您可以消除无聊的心情并感到幸福,那时人们不知道吸烟的危险。时尚并模仿了对香烟的误解和消费者的产生,这与香烟广告强调吸烟具有刷新,缓解疲劳和使人感到高兴的事实密切相关。在中国共和国建立友谊并改善人际关系的社会工具,吸烟已成为苏州的一种相对时尚和共同的社会现象,就像该国许多其他领域一样。

当时,在长海河三角洲地区的大型和中型城市中社会礼节和向他人表达自己的方式。尊重的仪式手势。在这方面,“上海海洋市场竹诗诗”高呼:“纸烟广泛散布,年轻人急于购买并吸烟。上海商人经常模仿外国人,并在见面时给亲密朋友。” [19]因此,香烟当时成为一种流行的社会互动。沟通的重要工具,是社会场合必不可少的工具。在此期间,苏州明( Ming Pao)的香烟广告也竭尽全力表达和强调香烟作为建立友谊并改善人际关系的社交工具的功能。例如,1926年2月18日在苏州明( Ming Pao)举行的“卡普斯坦”香烟广告展示了一张主人的照片,访客互相鞠躬,一名仆人和供应茶和过烟的仆人,上面写着“卡普斯坦品牌的宝藏”。香烟具有良好的质量和柔和的风味。在日常生活中,在人际关系中提供香烟的礼节的重要性。山,树木和溪流和文字说明“红锡包的香气和秋天的颜色一样令人愉悦”,隐含地强调香烟的功能是将亲戚和朋友汇集在一起​​的社交工具。此外,传统的中国社会基于家庭伦理,并非常重视家庭和谐与血统。为了满足中国消费者的情感需求和心理陈规定型观念,同年12月1日的“红锡包”烟广告显示了一个家庭坐在灯下面,抽烟和愉快地说话的场景在家庭聚会中很受欢迎。它具有实践和积极的含义,例如营造和谐的氛围,促进家庭关系以及有利于家庭交流的含义。

第四,强调香烟的社会和文化内涵和象征价值。在社交生活中,人们经常通过“商品的象征消费”来建立自己的身份,地位和个人风格。 [20]广告作为一种宣传媒介,不仅传达了产品销售信息,而且还需要利用想象力来深入探索产品的内涵并夸大了食用产品的社会和文化含义和象征性的价值,以便人们可以购买和消费某种商品的行为具有超出商品实际实用性的象征性价值以及社会和文化含义,并获得了一种值得金钱的消费感。 “苏州明(Ming Pao)”中的香烟广告主要强调并夸大了来自两个方面的香烟的消费符号价值以及社会和文化意义。首先,吸烟具有消费的象征意义,可以塑造吸烟者的社会认同并增强其社会地位。尽管一般而言,尽管香烟在中华民国变得越来越受欢迎,但大多数中国人,尤其是居住在农村地区的中产阶级和下层阶级,仍然习惯于吸烟干烟或水管。香烟被认为是中高端的消费品甚至奢侈品,主要用于招待客人,或者在城镇中,尤其是在中产阶级和上层阶级人士中。因此,当人们当时正在购买和消费香烟时,就会出现一种消费现象,“对于来自上流社会和狭的人的人们来说,最好以更高的价格吸烟”,并且“吸烟”最慷慨的”和“吸烟”高品质的香烟。对低价和中价格的香烟有“鄙视而不是吸烟”的消费者心态。 [21]烟草公司和香烟经销商抓住了喜欢炫耀自己的财富并在香烟广告中大力推广的中国人的消费者心理学,即“最好的人应该吸烟最好的香烟”,这强调了香烟的价格代表吸烟者。身份,风格和状态。

例如,1926年3月10日在苏州明(Ming Pao)举行的“名人品牌”香烟广告首先要求吸烟者问自己几个问题:“ 1。谁是苏州最著名的人?2。我是名人。我是名人。” 3。我可以获得最好的产品吗? 4。我可以帮助我的朋友获得最好的产品吗? “这是获胜的产品吗?”然后他指出:“现在每个吸烟的人都有机会赢得胜利的产品,并成为苏州最著名的人。”该广告利用诱惑成为苏州最著名的人。 ,刺激吸烟者积极购买“名人品牌”香烟,以获得更高的社会地位和更杰出的社会地位。同年6月16日,“红锡包品牌”香烟的图形广告显示,两个整齐的绅士聚集在一起吸烟和聊天,强调吸烟是在社交情况下吸烟的一种时尚风格,并加强了香烟的作用作为高级产品。作为社会互动和沟通的重要工具,它具有重要意义。此外,观看戏剧是中国传统社会中重要的文化和娱乐活动。对于戏剧观众来说,展示他们的社会身份,进行社交活动并建立个人联系网络也是一个重要的社交场合。当时,上层阶级经常去剧院观看著名演员表演以表现出他们的优雅。公众以及中低社会团体主要使用了诸如节日,寺庙集市,婚礼和富裕家庭的葬礼之类的机会,邀请人们在歌剧中唱歌,并在开放的场地观看草剧团。表演。因此,1926年6月23日的“红狮”香烟广告的口号“观看著名的戏剧和烟雾著名的香烟”,并宣布“苏州新舞台棕褐色学校必须出生于,具有高水平的农村优雅,,是高水平的。正确的单词:“音调是圆形的,手表是精致而表现力的,耳朵和眼睛湿;花旗香烟公司著名的红狮香烟,遍布世界各地的黄色和嫩烟草,芬芳,便宜,制作精良,呼吸令人愉悦而愉快。”

这款香烟广告将购买和吸烟“红狮”香烟的消费行为与观看著名演员和女演员表演著名戏剧以表现出其优雅的上流行为。 It also to in a way: as long as you buy By "Red Lion" , can their of life, their , and their and will also be . , has a of being , and the style of a . In China, , as a new thing, and trend. the 's of and new at that time, and the of this . The most one at that time was the on the image of new women in the of China. For , in the "" in " Ming Pao" on 31, 1926, a good- lady in a sat on a stool and , smoke. There was also a pot of her. The text " like an " not only shows the world the of women , but also hints at the of in the of women's . In , that men are to women, and the for women are to be "good wives and " and "to help their and raise ." Women are by such as "three and four " and "no is ", and the is their main space. , a male . Since the of China, with the of the New , new such as , , , and women's began to . Some women broke away from the of , new , the or in and , and of the times. women at the .

the of women at that time, urban women, to get out of the house and a new type of women. For , the "Red Tin Brand" in " Ming Pao" on 4, 1928, two men the old and new with : a woman an old-style and shoes, and a Apron; a new woman, a well- and -toe shoes, with the word "" in big . On the basis of the image new women and old women, it that is a new woman. The of the image is also a pun, that the "Red Tin " are very from other of . to the " of China", a book in 1922, under the and of , urban women at that time, women and even some , as a style and " to try it out." The so that "a small smoke must be in a gold box with a gold . is a in the , and pink ." [22] The of may be from this.

In China's , and have with each other, and there have been such as share and the two sides. In terms of , both have the above , but there are also in ( that their are made in China) and ( their as a and ).

As , new such as and were to China from the West. , were once in the of and in using for and . to , when were the most , in the River Delta areas of , , and , for were " in the , and and were ." were "all moved by them." What's more, " don't know what are, and they the 'Great Brand' and 'The Brand' as the smoke." [23]

From the of and , the of in using to lies first in the they adopt. is both an act and a act. For to be by the , it must gain from the , and then it can a or from the . This also that the form and of the must be with the in which the lives. the . In this , have also gone a . At first, were not with China's and did not such as the of . Most of their as , and the were not . the at that time knew very about the world, , and there were great and and and , it was for to this style and its in a short一段时间。 There are it, so this kind of is to gain and from , and it is to the . The harsh has and , them to that only when the and of to China's , takes a route, and uses , can it be by . will also the . , their , “ 's , away to the , and to local for .”[24] They also hired “novel for ”. and "[25] hire who have been by since to that suit the of , and then " and them ", "all of them are aware of our 's .出色的。”

[26] , most of the for in Ming Pao the of China were based on , rich in tones. For , the for " brand" on 22, 1925, used a of the Dai in Tai'an, , with the text "Old brand are as as and sites, and they more and more over the years."阐明。 In this way, it not only uses China's spots and sites to the with , but also hints that its brand has a long . The "" on April 1, 1926 told that each can of "" on sale [27] comes with a , the Five (Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth). who guess can win , and the will be in the : - scale ; wood - wood ; water - ; - lamp ; - . This uses the yin-yang and five as , and uses a game that love to and , in order to win the and of . An for "Red Tin " on 6, 1927. The shows an elder and a young man in a by the lake and a heart-to-heart talk. The elder said: "I Red Tin when I first . I have been for more than 20 years now." For many years, I have never to other . This is not I have , but I am with the of Bao, and I can't find than him.” The of this is to carry the and moral of the and the of this brand of the of the . and .

In , ' will also on the New Year, Happy New Year and other such as the , by that match the New Year . Some will also some into the . For , it is a to in the ninth month of the lunar . this , the "Da Brand" will Tao in their . A of a , by the "The fort is and , like a tall among ." The moon and in China. The for "Duofu" takes of this and uses the "May the grow long and the moon grow round. May all those who love Duofu be and live ." Close the the two in terms of and .

In order to cope with the of the rise of since the early 20th and the anti- and such as goods and , this is also one of the why have to adopt a . For , after the May 30th in 1925, the a large-scale of and goods and other - . The sales of " Brand" in the were . In order to this , the the of its name. It the "Great Brand" to "Red Tin Brand" and "Made in " to "Made in the ". It also an with the With two hands, one hand holds a pack of "Red Tin Pack Brand" , and the other hand to the words "Made in the USA" on the box, that the brand of is than . [28] 's that “China and have had , and can smoke any .” [29] "" are a brand of by the and . Its "made with in China" and have been in Ming Pao for a long time, with the words " " of " " Hard" There are many "" , " view of ", " ", " of the room where are being for ", etc. Let that "" is a .

It is also to point out that when are for with , they also pay to , and have used and to crack down on . For , in the , the and and staff to and the "how to sell their goods" and " to ". "", [30] in order to make tit -up and . At that time, the " Mouse" by the were sold well in , the Union, and . "Stone", "The of the upper class, see the of this ", etc., the and of its "" and other brand . What's more, on 22, 1927, " Ming Pao" an for "" of . "The the world" that the "" and the "" have a big gap in . This shows the of the and smoke in the . After that, the "" never on the Ming Pao.


with , to the show. In the of and , they have the role of , and . , on the other hand, and also have the and of later , in the early of China to the high of such as goods and the of goods, and can be . its " " and " goods" , and start and with and by about the of . For , in the "Five " and of the goods in 1925, the the " goods" brand, and its "Great Wall", " ", "Red ", "", "", "" hi "" and other of are . When it is , "even sale of and smoke sells short." [31] The " card" by also the to goods and goods, and the is in short . The that the then their in and a " " brand. By the of their and goods, were and their share was . To this end, when made a joint to its three of "gold mouse cards", "three flags" and " cards", that is, they that it is a of " goods and it into the top". 。 " Ming Pao" ads on 22, 1928, to " suck the "; the on June 3, 1930 calls for " suck the goods ". this , in the " Ming Pao" , the of their and were "also cards", " cards", " horse cards", "", "first token", "five cards" and so on.品牌。

not only has , but also has a . In order to the and of , will use means to and to and . the of China, and their can be as cases of this . At that time, that were to , and , and , and the and were to the . From the of , a pack of can , which is to in , which meets the needs of . In order to the of , the of the " Mouse" on 18, 1927 was "China , , ... goods, on ." On May 11 of the same year, the " brand" green star . Its word in " Ming Pao" is " goods to the right of ", " , try it, and you can try it. "To ". On the day of the " House" on the " Ming Pao", there were two walls in the , a wall with a wolf, a wall loyal dog, and the of the light of goods to block the two walls. The of is a wolf, which has an and heart of the ; the of , and with loyal dogs, that as a . The " Card" on June 17 of the same year was " goods, , hard work, and ". " In this way, the of to , the use the such as and by , which the of the . The of and share. This of has from , the of and lower . 。 [33] The in of the also the of by the in all parts of China. Our ". [33]

In this , some that since the of the 20th , they have goods, goods and , and other . Other -style ), it avoid ", and that and "did not , or lead , they took the to use the it " and " their from the '" from the ' hands ' are ", for , their" used by are' all who China smoke smoke '. " [34] In this way, the of , , that is, by their own and goods, not only the of from , but also 宣传。 are both made in China and to China, [35 ] As a , it gave a sense of of the in the and the , the of the " " of the and the far the of , and a that the . And the of .

It also be noted that in the early days of the and , the did not pay to it. The and of was rude and rough, and the was . , there are no use of . the new know the of , the of the , ... It is not to do it. After that, by the of and goods and its in the pre - , began to " know the ", "to sell goods, not be able to " ; [37 ] I also know the sense of such as " must be made by ", "using to the law", [38] So it , and thus the of the and the of . from the on the " Ming Pao", to the mid -1920s, have been and . At the time, the of is no to the of in means such as , , and .


In the mid -1920s, the on the " Ming Pao" were based on life. Pay to the of and into the daily lives of , and and daily life of the . The close ; at the same time, it also that , smoke a and life , shows a new on and , so as to to the and , and 's right to right. The of to the of to buy . In , the on the " Ming Pao", as a of the , the and of and in and . At the same time as the of and , the in it is also to .

( Wu of the and finds for this , thank you for your )

Note: The comes from the

This was in the of ( ) No. 5 of 2019.


[1] Gong Zhen: " of China News", : , 1955, p. 220。

[2] See Su : " of and in China", : Henan Press, 2006, p. 1; Wang Yu: " in the late Qing and the of China (1904-1937)" , : 's House, 2015, p. 4。

[3] Xue Yusun: " News Paper and ", : Hall, 1923, p. 87。

[4] to the 's see, in years, the works with are Lin : "The first half of the 20th brand in China: of of (1908-1949)", : Press, 2011; Wang : "The of : 1910-1 on the of in the 19930, : 's House, 2011; Pang Aiju: "Cross - and -1910-1930" "Cross - " Press, 2011; Sun Hui: "Great > and (1902-1935) ", : of China, 2011; Jiang :" and Urban Space: (1827-1919) " , 2011; Chen : "Anti - War ( Daily) () ​​ (1937-1945 ", : Press, 2016; Xu Lili:" and Macau : based on the of "Macau " ", : Fudan Press, 2016, etc.

[5] Zhao : " and and China ", by the CPPCC and : " and of Draft ()" (below), : and House, 2002, p. 57。

[6] Wang Qiang: " on the of in China: with and ", : 's House, 2012, pp. 18-21. In 1903, began to be into . In the goods list that year, it was with the name of "paper smoke". See Local : " City " 2, : 's House, 1995, p. 786。

[7] Xue Yusun, " News Paper and ", p. 87。

[8] The other two the of China the of China were "Wu Daily" and " Post".

[9] Gong Zhen: " of ", p. 220。

[10] Tao Juyin: " Years of Life", : Book , 1984, p. 217。

[11] " ", " Ming Pao" 5, 1925, 1st ; March 2, 1927, 1st .

[12] "", " Ming Pao" June 1, 1928, the first ; July 9, 1934, the first .

[13] Dai Lili: " Ming Pao" and (1925-1937), 's , of of , 2013, p. 13。

[14] This is also the and basis of the in 1925-1930.

[15] It be out that at that time, brand with for . One often has , so these 20 to 20 Home .

[16] Chen Zimi: " about China's ", " ", 1937, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 1。

[17] Belry: "The of - of and ", by Jiang Hong, : 's House, 2005, p. 121。

[18] Scott: " ", by Wu , : Press, 1926. from Huang Yutao: " on the of China", : Press, 2009, p. 199。

[19] Gu : " Ci Words of Ocean Field", : Press, 1996, p. 127。

[20] Wu and Xiao Jian: "Try the of to ", "press", No. 3, 2009, pp. 168-169.

[21] by the of of the of : " of ", : 's House, 1958, p. 47。

[22] Hu : " of China", : Hebei 's House, 1986, p. 213。

[23] of of of the of : " of ", p. 58。

[24] The and (1st Issue), 1923, pp. 90-91.

[25] of of the of : " and in China", : China Book , 1983, p. 704.

[26] The and (1st of the 21st), pp. 90-91.

[27] At that time, the " House" were into 10 packs and 50 cans.

[28] Chen , : " and Smoke ", " Local " (3), : of Press, 1983, p. 58。

[29] "China - are known for , and the are not ", "" June 15, 1925, the .

[30] by the of of the of : " of ", p. 144。

[31] by the of of the of : " of ", p. 148。

[32] Ferla's to Tang Mosi, 24, 1920. from Gao : " and in China - (1890-1930)", by Fan and Cheng Linyu, : Press, 2001 ,p。 247。

[33] by the of of the of : " of ", p. 221。

[34] Gao : " and in China- (1890-1930)", pp. 80-81.

[35] Ge Kai: "The of of China - and State", by Huang , : Press, 2007, p. 279。

[36] Xu Qiwen: on , " " 1934, No. 1, page 1.

[37] Cai : " Story", " and ", 1928, No. 21, p. 72。

[38] Lu Mei Monk, " ", " " 1934 , p. 66; Jiang : "On ", " of " 1926, No. 8, p. 6。

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